Following on from the incident that took place outside of Lanigans on Friday 21st May. The owners of Lanigans would like to put this incident to bed now by saying for the final time the doorman involved was not a member of the Lanigans security team. He had entered the venue from another site opposite. There were words exchanged inside and outside and as reports have suggested since this took place , two arrests have taken place.


All of us three owners come from Ireland and indeed the majority of our fantastic bar team are Irish. We have been overwhelmed by the support from the Irish community , both customers and non customers who have come forward in support of our venue since this incident hit the news. 


We do not condone this behaviour and if we are being honest we felt horrified as proud Irishmen when we saw the footage. We don’t want to take this matter any further now and want to get back to what we do best, which is running a venue that has sadly been closed for the best part of a year due to the international pandemic , that is covid-19.


Let’s hope Liverpool City Centre has a great and safe bank holiday weekend.