Kingdom Liverpool on Harrington Street in Liverpool business district welcomes on Saturday 28th October the legendary American house music singer Crystal Waters. She will perform at Kingdom Liverpool, her first gig in the city for over 10 years for one night only.

Crystals set list will include “Gypsy woman” (15 million views on YouTube) an iconic house track about a homeless woman in the US and ‘Destination Unknown’ (40 million plus views on YouTube). Other classic club tracks that have been sampled and remixed on countless occasions such as “100% pure love” will also be performed.

The team over at Kingdom now aim to take inspiration from Crystals’ most memorable track ( a song about a homeless woman she would see daily outside an office block in Washington D.C ) to raise as much money and awareness as possible for the Whitechapel Charity in Liverpool.

Charlotte Hopkins – Events & Community Fundraiser said “We are delighted that Kingdom Nightclub is supporting The Whitechapel Centre. Crystal Waters’ hit Gypsy Woman describes how homeless can happen to anyone and it really can. Last year we helped 2814 people in Merseyside end or prevent their homelessness and this number is increasing. Kingdom Nightclubs support will raise vital funds to help us continue the work that we do for the homeless in Liverpool.”

Emma Bruffell commented “We are looking for support from businesses in the city who want to get involved in this night through co-sponsorship of this event. We are proud to announce Prospect Capital, the Liverpool based City Living. Urban Regeneration.

Hotel Development & Investment Company as the first of the two required sponsors for the night.  The homeless issue is so visible and evident in our city more than ever presently and the team at Kingdom and Bondmedia Agency will all be doing a sleep out with Whitechapel prior to this night as well as trying to raise as much money as possible on the night.

Any company wanting to get involved in this night please email  for more information.