Fundraiser for North Liverpool school begins.
The Harrison’s Foundation are raising funds to rebuild the inclusive adventure park at Rowan Park School. This park has been a sanctuary for so many children in the community with additional needs as well as to other SEN children across the Merseyside area.
Recently, the adventure park has unfortunately been removed due to rotted equipment and health and safety concerns. The team at Harrisons Foundation are asking for support to raise the funds to rebuild the park and create a safe space for play and recreation for local kids.
By rebuilding this inclusive park, it will foster a sense of belonging and acceptance for students, their families and key holders in the wider community, providing them with a safe and accessible area where they can learn, grow and socialise together.
Nicola Halton Head of Business Development at Harrisons Bar Group & Harrisons Foundation said:
‘The Adventure Park was opened in June 2014 and is situated adjacent to the main school site. The Park is owned and run by Rowan Park School and was developed after many generous donations from local businesses, Sefton Local Authority and Grants. The park is for children and young people aged 0-25 years with SEN and their families, not just from Litherland or North Liverpool, but for the whole region. In November last year, 2023, the park was sadly closed due to safety concerns over the equipment. Following an inspection the park equipment was found to be unsafe to use due to wood rot and the area was condemned. When we heard about this we knew we had to get involved. We set up the Harrisons Foundation a few years ago for just this purpose. From our Easter Egg and Christmas Toy Appeals to projects like this.
Every donation, no matter how big or small, can help us reach our goal and restore this vital part of the community. Together, we can make a real difference in people’s lives and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to thrive.”
Fundraiser by Nicola Halton : Rebuild Rowan Park Inclusive Adventure Park (gofundme.com)
Rowan Park School is an Outstanding School, meeting the needs of up to 143 pupils aged 3 to 19 years, with severe, complex, profound and multiple learning difficulties, ASC and sensory impairments.
Rowan Park School, Sterrix Lane, Litherland, Liverpool L21 0DA
Website – Our School – (rowanparkschool.com)
The Harrisons Foundation was set up by the below independent Harrisons Group who have 5 city centre venues. With the aim of helping and supporting key projects in the Liverpool area for young people.
Harrison’s – Sports Bar, Harrington street, Liverpool (harrisonsbarliverpool.co.uk)
Abbey Road Bar & Kitchen – Harrington Street Liverpool (abbeyroadliverpool.co.uk)
Scruffy Murphys Liverpool – Scruffy Murphys | Irish American Bar | 25 Harrington Street 2 venues Harrington Street & Rainford Gardens
- For Immediate Release
- Written by: Seb
- For More Information: Email info@bondmediaagency.co.uk
- Posted on: 18th April 2024