Prospect Capital and Wilcocks & Wilcocks, advised by Indigo Planning, have submitted plans to Liverpool City Council for Ovatus 1, a £35 million, 27 storey residential tower planned for central Liverpool.

With a team of nationally-recognised consultants collaborating to advise on the project, the hodder+partners-designed, large-scale residential tower will cover 144,000 ft.² once completed with amenities and public space incorporated.

Ovatus 1 is the first phase of a two-tower development on the site; an application for an adjacent taller tower, Ovatus 2, will be submitted for consideration in 2017.

The development will regenerate the current site, and is planned to comprise of 168 residential units, including 14 3-bed apartments, 88 2-bed apartments, 22 1-bed apartments and 44 studio flats. There will also be 187 cycle storage spaces provided, as well as public realm improvements, including hard and soft landscaping.

The development sits within the buffer zone boundary of Liverpool’s World Heritage Site and is located less than half a mile away from the city’s famous Princes Dock, which backs onto the waterfront of the River Mersey.

Craig Blackwell of Prospect Capital said: “With the site’s key gateway status in Liverpool, as well as its landmark nature and overall significance, we knew that bringing the right team together on this project was very important.

“In appointing Indigo Planning and hodder+partners, as well as WSP and PlanIt, we are confident that the team in place has the skills and expertise to do great justice to a forthcoming special addition to Liverpool’s skyline.”

Martin Wilcocks of Wilcocks & Wilcocks said: “The project is currently fully funded and financed to ensure the scheme’s deliverability, with enough presales secured to ensure the tower is fully occupied on completion. A testament to the demand for this kind of stock in Liverpool.”

Nick Fillingham, Associate Director at Indigo Planning, said: “With demand for high quality residential units growing in cities such as Liverpool, there is currently a real appetite in the market for this kind of development.

“The scheme’s close proximity to the historic Princes Dock, as well as the existing local amenities and direct access to Liverpool’s City Centre, will create a sought-after development which is set to improve the area’s residential offering.”

Stephen Hodder, Chairman of hodder+partners, said: “We were delighted to be selected for this project. The building, its height and form, reinforces its gateway location. The materials, whilst necessarily robust, seek to capture and reflect the beautiful light in the estuary. Additionally, consideration of the public realm has been paramount so as to support pedestrian connections from Leeds Street to the city centre.”

In addition to the joint venture with local developers Prospect Capital and Wilcocks & Wilcocks, other members of the project team include Indigo Planning, hodder + partners, WSP and Plan-It.
The application is set to be determined towards the beginning of 2017, following which start on site could begin as early as April 2017.